Benefits to EB-5 Investors
Why the EB-5 Program could be the best choice for you and your family.
Make your U.S. residency goals come to life, by investing through the North Dakota/Minnesota EB-5 Regional Center. We strive to make the EB-5 process simple and transparent. EB-5 benefits to qualified investors and their family members include:
Investors, their spouses, and unmarried children, under the age of 21, may be granted U.S. permanent residency
Investors and their family members may live, work, or start a business anywhere in the U.S.
Educational benefits, including admission to universities at the same cost as U.S. residents
Minor children may obtain employment (subject to age, state and governmental laws and regulations)
Multiple entry conditional green card allows the investors and their family members to travel outside the U.S. reentering the U.S. at any time with respect to U.S. residency requirements
No requirement to manage the EB-5 investment on a day-to-day basis
No sponsors needed as with other visas
No requirements for age, the ability to speak English, employment experience or education
Open to any country in the world